When the air quality index rises to the severe range (>401 AQI), state governments are required to implement Grap measures including the ban on diesel-powered trucks and cars other than those meeting the BS 6 emission requirements. People having their vehicles registered as BS3 Petrol and BS4 Diesel are receiving messages from transport Department Delhi which is as follows :
Dear Vehicle Owner,
As per CAQM, all the actions under Stage III of GRAP be implemented w.e.f 29.10.22 as per which BS- III, Petrol and BS- IV, Diesel LMV (4W) has been restricted to ply on roads of Delhi as air quality being in “Very Poor/ Severe” Category.
Since your vehicle is falling in above category you are hereby directed not to ply your registered vehicle in Delhi till enforcement of Stage III/ IV of GRAP. If found plying, the vehicle will be liable for prosecution under section 194 MV Act, 1988 which entails with a fine of Rs. 20,000/-.
When the air quality index rises to the severe plus category (over 450), a ban on all diesel-powered light motor vehicles (including private cars) is put into effect. Diesel trucks are prohibited from entering Delhi unless they are transporting essential commodities, and the movement of diesel-powered heavy and medium goods vehicles registered in Delhi is restricted. These measures are all part of stage 4 of the Global Action Plan to Reduce Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides.
Enforcement of the ban on diesel vehicles, however, has been described as challenging by a transport department official. From a distance and without halting the vehicle, there is no way to tell whether or not a car complies with BS 4 or BS 6 standards. Stickers of different colours can be used to visually distinguish between different fuel types for manual inspections. An unnamed transportation department official claimed that random checks would be necessary for the most part.
Up until this past Friday, three out of four days in the month of November had an air quality index (AQI) of “severe,” indicating that air pollution is still a major problem in many areas of Northern India. In response to the BS6 pollution standards, many automakers discontinued the sale of diesel vehicles in favour of gasoline models. About 5 lakh vehicles in Delhi are predicted to be affected by the latest restriction. Vehicle producers, particularly those working on two-wheelers, have begun moving their attention to pollution-free electric vehicles (EVs). Now, as opposed to just a few years ago, the Indian market offers a wide variety of different types of EVs to choose from.
Also Read – In Delhi, after a temporary closure, primary schools will Open on November 9
It is foolish on the part of govt to ban the diesel and petrol vehicles. They were allowed to register by the same govt and have periodic pollution check as prescribed by govt. Let the govt pay for the number of days the vehicle is not in use
After spending thousands of crores bt Delhi Govt. and banning cars in 10 years of diesel and 15 years of petrol we are in same situation, same curbs , means that cause is wrongly diagnosed or it’s corruption, did not expect this from Kejriwal for whom we voted, no accountability why no result seen after spending thousands of crores of tax payers money, we remember Shiela Dixit….to whom people convenience was foremost.regret voting for Kejriwal.
पराली जलाने पर प्रतिबंध नहीं लगा सकते केवल निजी निर्माण कार्यों पर ही प्रतिबंध लगा सकते हो. प्रदूषण सभी प्रकार के निर्माण कार्यों से हो सकता है उसमें सरकारी और निजी निर्माण कार्य का भेद क्यों ?
What about people who have only BS 3 Petrol Car and have to take the aged parents or have to go oneself for very urgent work / visit a doctor then how will it be managed
Inappropriate Penalty Amt of Rs 20,000
Can any political leader or IAS in power answer as to how much is the penalty for burning stubble (Parali) that causes smoke pollution.
Another question has the owner of vehicle manufactured the engine (or) does the owner use petrol / diesel from his own refinery that is causing pollution. Why are all petrol pumps in Delhi (NCR) not been closed
If PUC has been issued and is current and valid them and why BS-3 or BS-4 vehicles being challaned for Rs 20,000/_
Who ever drafted and approved such a rule needs to think on above points (or) is it the corrupt politicians that want citizens to be harrassed by squeezing each penny of their hard earned money only to get their salaries and allowances.
It only prices our law makers cannot determine the root cause of polution and base their opinion and misuse their power without proper application of mind.
What about the pollution caused by parali burning in Punjab , no restrictions for the real culprits. No AQI levels breached there. Neither the government nor the courts are bothered. It’s only the people of Delhi who have to suffer. Suffering bcz of poisonous air they have to breathe and the hardship as their vehicles have also being taken off the road. Very sad
It is highly insane act to ban BS III petrol and BS IV diesel vehicles which will not solve the problem of high pollution in Delhi.
It has been proved time and again that burning stubble is the main cause for the severe Delhi air but our CM has no power to act against the farmers as they are his vote bank in Punjab. It is such a shame to always target the common man.
Agreed there is a need to controll pollution.
What will people do who only have bs3 or bs4 vehicle.
I have seen vehicles plying with visible and unthinkable amount if smoke puked by vehicle.What is dept doing about that?
Commercial vehicles allowed to ply and enter in the city but small vehicles are banned.
What a pity…….
Odd even is one way wherein atleast private employees can atleast alternately go for work….
How would people survive as only in the m/o Oct/Nov we wake up and there is no penalty or solution to Stubble burning as that is the vote bank…..
Why target only this segment of vehicles. Based on what data have they banned BS Iii and BS I’v ? Two wheelers are the ones polluting far more than 4 wheelrs. Does the government has the guts to ban them ? Sheer politics
i hold a BSIII petrol vehicle whose pollution certificate is due for renewal on 12.11.2022.
As per one guidline i cannot drive the vehicle on delhi roads , would be fined 20,000/-and as per other rule I would be fined 10,000/- for not holding a valid PUC. Guide.
Banning Diesel cars n BS 3 petrol car is totally non sense..we have Little salary and already fighting with lots of dieseas and other expenses in life..one buys a car after taking loan etc..and ispite of having valid PUC certificate..how can govt ban private cars.. Moving with two wheeler in very unsafe in Delhi..Who will take care of our parents and kids..My car is very healthy and doesn’t cause significant pollution ispite of this we are very much disturbed with this non sense rule..
How can you put such meaning less rules with meaning less amount.. Corruption is everywhere..Roads are full of pits..
Govt is not bothering about anyone who is single hand..I m totally fed up…
The anguish on illogical bans is very well justified.
Its like cutting the head if you have a headache so that you don’t have it again.
With all the drones technology available, why cant the govt pin point the agricultural field where stubble is burning and take the owner to task. Have flying squads to catch such culprits nit more than 40-50 such cases will be seen in a day rather then sending flying squads after BS 3-4 vehicles. The Govt is “by” the people, “of” the people but doesn’t appear to be “for” the people.
It’s complete non-sense to ban just 2-3 old diesel car on the assumed and un-founded ground of increase in pollution by such vehicles. It is a plot hatched in conspiracy with car manufacturers and full support of courts to compel a person to purchase a new vehicle.
Its highly arbitarary to ban BS 4 /3 vehicles. For the last many days of the ban we are stranded at home as we have a Brezza 2016 model. Never expected a government will ban a 6 yearold vehicle especially after paying all taxes in advance for 10 yrs and GST and a pollution certificate isdued by the same government which banned the vehicle use. No ifea who tovtell this highly arbitarary decision. Also why did the government allowed the sale of such vehicles if it hasca life of only 5 or 6 years Also wevdo not have that kind of money to buy new cats as snd when the government bans a vehicle we were told we can use it for 10 or 15 years as per the make of the vehicle
Hope some reasonable decision will be taken on 13 when the current ban expires..
Can i take my diesel vehicle 2014 to delhi in march 2023
Govt should extend 15 yrs duration by these many days of restrictions.
I invested my hard earned money to buy a car as per prevailing rules to use it for 15 yrs. If govt back out on that promise, they should at least extend 15 yrs duration due to their fault.