PNG (Piped Natural Gas) is delivered via a pipeline. PNG is used for cooking (gas stoves) and heating water, whereas LPG is utilised as a fuel for heating appliances and cars (gas geysers). PNG has advantages over LPG. PNG has greater advantages than LPG for a number of reasons. PNG is delivered to your home 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you get a PNG connection, a pipeline will deliver it continually to your home. PNG is accessible whenever you need it. Your gas stove or geyser will instantly become accessible when you switch them on.
PNG is completely secure. PNG has a pressure of only 21 millibar. PNG has 200 times less pressure than gas delivered by cylinders. Because natural gas is lighter than air, it will instantly combine with air and evaporate in the event of a leak. However, as LPG is heavier than air, any leakage will cause it to settle in the area, increasing the likelihood of a cylinder fire. Therefore, PNG is safer for your family than LPG.
PNG in delhi NCR is provided by Indraprastha Gas Ltd. Prices of PNG do keep increasing or decreasing depending upon the resource price from where it is procured. Here are the latest prices of PNG :-
Area | PNG Price |
Delhi | Rs. 50.59/- per SCM |
Noida, Greater Noida & Ghaziabad | Rs. 50.46/- per SCM |
Gurugram | Rs.48.79/- per SCM |
Muzaffarnagar, Meerut & Shamli | Rs.53.97/- per SCM |
Karnal & Rewari | Rs.49.40/- per SCM |
Ajmer, Pali & Rajsamand | Rs.56.23/- per SCM |
Kanpur, Hamirpur & Fatehpur | Rs.53.10/-per SCM |
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